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This sections will guide you though installing web-portal.

  • If following the Docker guide it is expected you have Docker and Docker Compose installed
  • If following without Docker you will need Python 3.11, older versions will not work
  • Is recommended to install behind a reverse proxy like Nginx for custom routing and domain names.
  • Third-Party plugins may require additional configs to be set

Selecting A Database

First you will need to decide which database to use:

  • SQLite
  • MySQL

If you only have a small amount of users and have no experience, its best to stick with SQLite.

Getting Ready

There are several ways of installing Web Portal. The recommended method is through the official Docker image.

Now we can configure web-portal. We can do this using Docker Compose. So we will need to create a compose file.

This file should be placed in a directory where you are going to store all your app data. The following is an example of your directory layout:


Example Compose File

This is an example config (using SQLite) which you can copy, as long as SECRET_KEY value is changed for security.

Config values explained in "Configuration" section

version: "3"

    container_name: web-portal
    restart: unless-stopped
      - ./data:/app/data
      # Uncomment if you want custom plugins
      # - ./plugins:/app/plugins
      # Change only left side
      - 8000:8000
      # This config is built into the Docker image
      # - "DATA_PATH=/app/data"
      - "DB_URI=sqlite:///app/data/db.sqlite"
      # This must be secure
      - "SECRET_KEY=replace_me_123"

Without Docker

While this is not the recommended method, it is possible and perfectly fine to run Web Portal without Docker.

Commands shown will assume a GNU/Linux based system is being used

Config values explained in "Configuration" section

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Setup Environment
mkdir web-portal

cd web-portal

mkdir -p data
mkdir -p plugins

# Install/Update App
rm -rf .venv

python -m venv .venv

source .venv/bin/activate

git clone --depth=1 --branch=v${WEB_PORTAL_VERSION} app-src

python -m pip install ./app-src

# Get Default Plugins
rsync -a app-src/plugins/ plugins

# Cleanup
rm -rf app-src
# filepath: web-portal/.env



All configs shown here should be given as environment variables, or in a .env file.

Base App

Name Description Default
DB_URI URI of where db is stored
PLUGINS_PATH Where plugins are stored
DATA_PATH Where app data will be stored
SECRET_KEY Your app secret (use something secure) (randomly generated)
SECURE_COOKIES Whether to require https for cookies False
LOG_LEVEL What log level to use "INFO"
SHOW_VERSION_NUMBER Whether the app version number is displayed True
DISABLE_PLUGIN_LOADER Disable the plugin loader False
PLUGIN_SKIP_LIST Skip loading specific plugins -

SECRET_KEY should be set, otherwise logins will be reset on server restart

Lists must be given in JSON format e.g. ["core", "core_extras"] or ["core_extras"]

This table shows how the DB_URI values should look:

Database URI Format
MySQL mysql://user:password@hostname/database
SQLite sqlite://path-to-database.db

Core Plugin

If you have the "core" plugin installed, which comes built-in to Web Portal unless you have removed it. These are the configs:

Name Description Default
ALLOW_ICON_UPLOADS Whether to allow icon uploads True
OPEN_TO_NEW_TAB Whether to open the link widget links in a new tab True

Docker Specific

Other configs related to when running through the official docker image:

Name Description Default
WORKERS Number of separate processes to spawn 1
CERT_FILE SSL certificate file path (public) -
KEY_FILE SSL key file path (private) -

Default values indicated with '-' are not required

If you want HTTPS, both CERT_FILE and KEY_FILE environment values must be provided to valid certificates


Now configurations have been done, you can move on to running Web Portal for the first time.

Inside the app directory, run these commands

Running docker compose pull ensures you have the latest specified in the compose file

The -d argument runs the app in the background

docker compose pull
docker compose up -d

Without Docker

After following the "Getting Ready" section, you can launch the app using Hypercorn.

You may want to run this command through systemd or similar, this will allow the app to run in the background and startup automatically.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
source .venv/bin/activate
hypercorn 'web_portal.main:create_app()' --bind --workers 1

If you wish to configure Hypercorn the documentation can be found here, you could for example configure https or different bind methods.

Once Running

After the app is launched, navigate in the browser to the hostname and port you configured. From there you should see a setup wizard which will guide you through the rest of the install. After you have completed this you may want to read the usage guide here.

If you have a question, you can ask in the GitHub discussions page at: